172.502A1-HMPP HM (Placarding) - Prohibited placarding. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may affix or display on a packaging, freight container, unit load device, motor vehicle or rail car.
177.823A-HMPMCNP50% HM (Placarding) - 50% or more of the required placards for a hazard class are missing. CVSA Inspection Bulletin 2017-03 - Display of GHS Labels on Bulk Packages.
172.516C6-HMPMC HM (Placarding) - Failure to maintain placard(s) in a condition so that the format, legibility, color, and visibility of the placard will not be substantially reduced due to damage, deterioration, or obscurement by dirt or other matter.
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW)
177.834A-HMC HM (Cargo) - Operating a motor vehicle with HM not blocked/braced/secured as required. NOTE: Any shifting likely to adversely affect HM/DG package integrity, under conditions normally incident to transportation.
+ 2 (OOS)
172.516C6-HMPMC HM (Placarding) - Failure to maintain placard(s) in a condition so that the format, legibility, color, and visibility of the placard will not be substantially reduced due to damage, deterioration, or obscurement by dirt or other matter.
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW)