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Awarded in FY 2024 for PRISM Projects
Funded through MCSAP Grants
Funded through HP-CMV Grants

Leverage Grant Funding to Level Up

States can use FMCSA Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) or High Priority Commercial Motor Vehicle (HP-CMV) funding to maintain and advance PRISM Level Up projects. Leveling up PRISM participation increases highway safety by ensuring motor carriers with serious safety deficiencies are kept off the Nation’s roads.

States may fund new PRISM system development, deployment, as well as operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, and more under MCSAP and HP-CMV grants.

New and Updates

Grant Types for PRISM Projects

Use this information to learn about FMCSA grants available for PRISM projects.

  • The MCSAP grant is a formula grant that provides financial assistance to States and territories to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous material incidents involving CMVs.
  • MCSAP lead agencies can use MCSAP funds to achieve and maintain Full PRISM participation. States at Enhanced and Expanded PRISM participation can also use these funds towards maintaining compliance at their prospective levels.
  • MCSAP funds can also be used to Level Up PRISM participation for States at Full or Enhanced Participation.
  • If the PRISM processes are administered by an entity other than the MCSAP lead agency, the MCSAP lead agency remains responsible for ensuring compliance with PRISM requirements.
HP-CMV Grant
HP-CMV Grant
  • The HP-CMV grant is a discretionary grant that provides financial assistance to support CMV-related activities, maintenance of technology, and other projects that will have positive impacts on CMV safety.
  • HP-CMV funds can also be used to Level Up PRISM participation for States at Full or Enhanced Participation.
  • Non-lead agencies can apply directly for HP-CMV grants.

Determining Grant Type and Eligible Expenses

Use this information to determine the type of grant and eligible expenses based on your State agency and needs.

MCSAP Grant PRISM Projects
MCSAP Lead Agency
  • Exceed Full Participation and Level Up
  • O&M
Non-Lead Agency
  • Lead agency may sub award to PRISM agencies for all projects

Within the MCSAP Basic Application, the MCSAP lead agency (e.g., State Police Agency) may indicate:

  • The DMV (non-lead agency) is requesting resources of $400,000 via a subgrant from the State Police Agency (MCSAP Lead Agency) beginning in Federal fiscal year 2022. Funding resources will be utilized to cover:
    1. Contractual costs for the maintenance/support and modifications to DMV’s International Registration Plan (IRP) system used for registering apportioned commercial vehicles and
    2. Travel costs to attend the Performance Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) workshop in support of PRISM program activities for two staff.

Expenses for MCSAP can include O&M, vendor support, personnel time, system upgrades, etc. Please refer to the MCSAP Comprehensive Policy.

HP-CMV Grant PRISM Projects
MCSAP Lead Agency
  • Projects that Level Up from Full Participation ONLY
Non-Lead Agency
  • All PRISM projects (Full / Enhanced / Expanded Participation and O&M)

Within an HP-CMV application, an applicant indicates:

  • The DMV is requesting resources of $200,000 from FMCSA beginning in Federal fiscal year 2022. Funding resources will be utilized to cover:
    1. Contractual costs for the modifications to DMV’s International Registration Plan (IRP) system used to add a VIN check to the IRP system in order to check the PRISM Target File and add the 950 code for law enforcement. This will meet PRISM Requirements 8 and 11 to meet Enhanced PRISM requirements.
    2. Personnel time for 1 FTE to develop a process to deny registration for reincarnated carriers or request VIN removal from PRISM Target data. This includes time to train associated IRP staff. This will meet PRISM Requirement Step 9 for Enhanced PRISM requirements.

Expenses for HP-CMV can include O&M, vendor support, personnel time, system upgrades, etc. Please refer to the MCSAP Comprehensive Policy.

FMCSA Grant Application Process

Visit the FMCSA A&I Online Grants website for complete information on the MCSAP & HP-CMV Grant Application processes.

MCSAP Grant Application Process
  • All PRISM project applications must be filed electronically through FMCSA requires the applicant to fill out a family of forms for each grant for which they are seeking an award.
  • To aid the MCSAP lead agency in developing the Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP), FMCSA created an online tool called eCVSP. The eCVSP Tool allows a MCSAP lead agency to create an online electronic CVSP and track its progress from development through approval.
  • Section 6 – Safety & Technology of the CVSP is specific to PRISM and ITD. This is where the MCSAP lead agency will indicate how much money is being transferred to the non-lead agency and what PRISM projects it will be used for (e.g., O&M, vendor support, personnel time, system upgrades, etc.).
  • Please note: States should differentiate between any PRISM projects or ITD projects.
HP-CMV Grant Application Process
HP-CMV Grant
  • All PRISM project applications must be filed electronically through FMCSA requires the applicant to fill out a family of forms for each grant for which they are seeking an award.
  • Additional application requirements will be indicated on the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcement and all required forms must be completed and uploaded in within the time frame provided.
  • It is recommended that all potential applicants provide projects that are related to the priorities outlined in the NOFO.
Which participation level has your State achieved?
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PRISM's Impact
Download the PRISM Impact Report to learn how PRISM is keeping unsafe carriers off our Nation’s roads.