Optional Upgrades
Full Participation
The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act made Full Participation in PRISM mandatory for States receiving MCSAP funding (see Section 5101).
Full Participation focuses on keeping CMVs with serious safety deficiencies that have a GVW of 26,001 pounds or more off the highway. A State's IRP or CMV registration agency suspends or revokes active registrations and denies new registration requests if the motor carrier responsible for safety of the vehicle is under any Federal OOS order; and denies registration if the motor carrier possesses an inactive or deactivated USDOT Number. All States Fully Participate in PRISM.
FMCSA encourages States to increase CMV safety by leveling up from Full to Enhanced Participation, Enhanced to Expanded Participation, or from Full to Expanded Participation.
Full Participation (Required): GVW of 26,001 pounds or more
Legislative or administrative authority to deny/suspend for carriers under Federal OOS orders
Collect/validate USDOT and TIN number of MCRS
Check OOS status before registration (Deny)
Check OOS status before registration (Suspend)
Upload vehicle registration information to SAFER
Report quality number of denials and suspensions
Level Up to Enhanced PRISM Participation: Requirements 1-12
FMCSA encourages leveling up to Enhanced PRISM with six additional requirements.
Enhanced PRISM Participation adds another layer to the CMV vetting process in the event that a chameleon carrier evades their OOS order and attempt to register as another company. Enhanced PRISM increases the safeguards in States’ systems to keep motor carriers with large CMVs from concealing their Federal OOS order and/or registering under a different company name. With Enhanced PRISM, States meet the first six mandatory requirements for Full Participation, plus six additional requirements for carriers with a GVW of 26,001 pounds or more.
Enhanced PRISM requirements: GVW of 26,001 pounds or more
Legislative or administrative authority to deny/suspend for carriers under Federal OOS orders
Collect/validate USDOT and TIN number of MCRS
Check OOS status before registration (Deny)
Check OOS status before registration (Suspend)
Upload vehicle registration information to SAFER
Report quality number of denials and suspensions
Legislative or administrative authority to deny registration for reincarnated carriers
Check VIN against PRISM Target data for OOS affiliation
Implement a process to identify a reincarnated carrier
Deny registration for reincarnated carriers or request VIN removal from PRISM Target data
Set 950 status codes to suspend vehicles in SAFER
Certify PRISM cab card barcode
Level Up to Expanded PRISM Participation:
Full and Enhanced Levels + Lower Weighted Vehicles
Expanded PRISM applies the Full Participation requirements to non-IRP interstate lower-weighted CMVs with a GVW of 10,001-26,000 pounds. Expanded PRISM adds another safety layer for States by ensuring that any OOS carriers and vehicles 10,000 pounds and above are identified and immobilized thereby expanding FMCSA’s mission and efforts.
States eligible for Expanded PRISM must first reach the Enhanced Participation level. They must maintain all twelve requirements for CMVs of 26,001 pounds or more while applying PRISM requirements one through six to non-IRP interstate lower weighted vehicles of 10,000 pounds and above.
Expanded PRISM requirements: GVW between 10,001 and 26,000 pounds
Legislative or administrative authority to deny/suspend for carriers under Federal OOS orders
Collect/validate USDOT and TIN number of MCRS
Check OOS status before registration (Deny)
Check OOS status before registration (Suspend)
Upload vehicle registration information to SAFER
Report quality number of denials and suspensions
Optional Upgrades for all Participation Levels
States may increase their effectiveness and safety by applying the following optional PRISM upgrades at any level of participation:
Accessing PRISM’s real-time data
PRISM Web Services (PWS) is a data transfer method available to the PRISM States that provides real-time data for registration systems.
- Information is queried by individual USDOT number and vehicle
- OOS status
- Active vs. Inactive status
Retrieving Suspended License Plates
Pulling plates off of suspended vehicles can help ensure that vehicles with serious safety deficiencies stay off the road. Establishing a plan for retrieving plates strengthens a State’s suspension process.