Overall State Rating |
The Overall State rating is based on nine performance measures and one indicator, except measures with a rating of Insufficient Data. |
Crash Rating |
The Crash rating is based on five performance measures and one indicator, except measures with a rating of Insufficient Data. |
Crash Timeliness Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State's evaluated crash records reported within 45 days of the crash. |
Crash Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Accuracy Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated crash records that have a valid VIN. |
Crash Accuracy Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated crash records matched with a carrier that is registered with FMCSA. |
Crash Record Completeness Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated crash records that have complete driver and vehicle information. |
Fatal Crash Completeness Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated fatal crash records that were reported to the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) as compared to the number of fatal crash records in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). |
Crash Consistency Overriding Indicator |
This evaluation indicates that the State's estimated number of non-fatal crash records reported is less than 50% when compared to the previous 3-year reporting average. States that have an obvious and significant decline in crash record reporting will be categorized as poor in the Overall State rating and the Crash rating, without regard to their ratings on other measures. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of State's evaluated crash records reported within 7 days of the inspection. |
Inspection Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Accuracy Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated inspection records that have a valid VIN for the first vehicle unit. |
Inspection Accuracy Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated inspection records matched with a carrier that is registered with FMCSA. |
Inspection Record Completeness Measure |
This measure rating shows the percentage of the State’s evaluated inspection records that have complete driver and vehicle information. |
Crash Timeliness Measure |
Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the number and percent of timely and late records, helping you track improvements and spot emerging issues before they impact your State’s rating. While the Crash Timeliness measure aggregates the timeliness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out timeliness by each upload month in that period. |
Crash Timeliness Measure |
Frequency of Record Uploads to MCMIS |
This analysis report shows how often your State is uploading crash records to FMCSA. Ideally, States should upload every business day. |
Crash Timeliness Measure |
Number of Days to Upload by Month |
This analysis report shows the number of days your State took to upload crash records each month. While the Crash Timeliness measure is an accumulation of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out timeliness by each upload month in that period and groups the number of days to upload by 5-day ranges. The "Running % of Total" shows you how close your State is to reaching the new 45-day requirement and includes the measure result at 45 days. |
Crash Accuracy Measure |
Records Reported by Agency and Badge # |
This analysis report associates reporting agencies and badge numbers with matched and non-matched crash records. This information can help you identify potential collection or processing issues affecting accuracy. |
Crash Record Completeness Measure |
Complete Record Analysis |
This analysis report shows you a broader view of your State’s completeness. While the Crash Record Completeness measure evaluates specific fields, this report breaks out completeness by all fields in each crash record. |
Crash Record Completeness Measure |
Driver Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated driver field in a format that can help track improvements and spot emerging issues before they affect your State’s rating. While the Crash Record Completeness measure aggregates the completeness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out completeness by each upload month in that period. |
Crash Record Completeness Measure |
Vehicle Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated vehicle field in a format that can help track improvements and spot emerging issues before they affect your State’s rating. While the Crash Record Completeness measure aggregates the completeness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out completeness by each upload month in that period. |
Fatal Crash Completeness Measure |
FARS/MCMIS Matching Tool |
This tool helps reconcile differences between the number of fatal crash records in the FARS and MCMIS databases. While the Fatal Crash Completeness measure compares the number of records in each database, this report either matches the records or lists records that do not match. |
Crash Consistency Overriding Indicator |
Non-Fatal Crash Completeness (NFCC) Tool |
This tool estimates how many non-fatal crash records your State should be reporting to MCMIS. While the Crash Consistency Overriding indicator checks for consistent reporting of non-fatal crash records when compared to the prior 3-year average, this tool generates a range into which the number is expected to fall based on the number of reported fatal records. The result reflects whether the reported number falls under or over the expected range. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the number and percent of timely and late records, helping you track improvements and spot emerging issues before they impact your State’s rating. While the Inspection Timeliness measure aggregates the timeliness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out timeliness by each upload month in that period. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Records Reported by County |
This analysis report shows you the number and percent of timely and late inspection records by the county in which the inspection was conducted. This can help you identify location-specific collection and reporting issues. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Records Reported by Inspection Level |
This analysis report shows you the number and percent of timely and late records by Inspection Levels 1 through 6. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Records Reported by Facility Type |
This analysis report shows you the number and percent of timely and late records by fixed and roadside facility types. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Records Reported by Inspector ID |
This analysis report associates Inspector IDs with timely and late records, which can help you identify potential collection or processing issues that are inspector- or agency-related. |
Inspection Timeliness Measure |
Number of Days to Upload by Month |
This analysis report shows the number of days your State took to upload inspection records during each month. While the Inspection Timeliness measure is an accumulation of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out timeliness by each upload month in that period and groups the number of days to upload by 2-day ranges. The "Running % of Total" shows you how close your State is to reaching the 7-day requirement and includes the measure results at 7 days. |
Inspection Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Accuracy Measure |
Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the accuracy of VINs in a format that can help you track improvements and spot emerging issues before they impact your State’s rating. While the Inspection VIN Accuracy measure aggregates the VIN accuracy of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out accuracy by each upload month in that period. |
Inspection Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Accuracy Measure |
Records Reported by Inspector ID |
This analysis report shows you the accuracy of VINs by associated Inspector ID, which can help you identify potential collection or processing issues that are inspector- or agency-related. |
Inspection Accuracy Measure |
Records Reported by Inspector ID |
This analysis report associates Inspector IDs with matched and non-matched inspection records, which can help you identify potential collection or processing issues that are inspector- or agency-related. |
Inspection Record Completeness Measure |
Driver Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated driver field in a format that can help track improvements and spot emerging issues before they affect your State’s rating. While the Inspection Record Completeness measure aggregates the completeness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out completeness by each upload month in that period. |
Inspection Record Completeness Measure |
Vehicle Evaluation by Upload Month |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated vehicle field in a format that can help track improvements and spot emerging issues before they affect your rating. While the Inspection Record Completeness measure aggregates the completeness of all records in the 12-month evaluation period, this report breaks out completeness by each upload month in that period. |
Inspection Record Completeness Measure |
Driver Records Reported by Inspector ID |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated driver field by associated Inspector ID. This information can help you identify potential collection or processing issues that are inspector- or agency-specific. |
Inspection Record Completeness Measure |
Vehicle Records Reported by Inspector ID |
This analysis report shows you the completeness of each evaluated vehicle field by associated Inspector ID. This information can help you identify potential collection or processing issues that are inspector- or agency-specific. |