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What is the PRISM Level Up Initiative?

The PRISM Level Up Initiative is a CMV safety campaign encouraging States to increase their PRISM participation from their current level to Enhanced and Expanded PRISM. States that Level Up to a higher tier of PRISM makes our roadways safer. Leveling Up in PRISM gives States objective, reliable, timely, and accessible data to address safety data gaps and support data-driven decision-making.

FMCSA encourages every State to ultimately achieve the highest level of PRISM participation at Expanded PRISM.

Increasing CMV Highway Safety by Immobilizing Reincarnated and Federal Out-of-Service Carriers.

Enhanced PRISM Participation

Why Level Up to Enhanced PRISM Participation?

  • Prevent and Immobilize Reincarnated Carriers

    Enhanced PRISM prevents registrations of carriers who attempt to violate their Federal Out-Of-Service (OOS) order by changing names or details to “reincarnate” or re-register unnoticed.

  • Improve Data Systems to Detect Reincarnated Carriers

    This challenge requires special tools. Enhanced PRISM provides States safety data to detect reincarnated carriers.

  • Identify Reincarnated Carriers

    Leveling Up to Enhanced PRISM participation helps States identify and flag large IRP commercial motor vehicles (CMV) subject to Federal OOS orders before they can register or renew their registrations.

How to achieve Enhanced PRISM Participation?

Step 1

Obtain legislative or administrative authority to deny or suspend registration for carriers attempting to reincarnate under a new USDOT number and/or company name.

Step 2

Adapt your State IRP systems to check every Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) against the PRISM Target File (or FMCSA-approved alternative process) for Federal OOS affiliation.

Step 3

Enable your registration staff to identify and deny registrations of reincarnating carriers, and to put SAFER and State systems on the alert.

Expanded PRISM Participation

Why Level Up to Expanded PRISM Participation?

  • Prevent and Immobilize Unsafe Interstate Lower Weighted CMVs

    Lower levels of PRISM only cover larger, IRP vehicles of GVWR of 26,001 pounds and above. To immobilize non-IRP interstate CMVs subject to a Federal OOS order, States are encouraged to Level Up to Expanded PRISM.

  • Reduce and Prevent Crashes, Injuries & Fatalities Involving Smaller CMVs

    There is an increase of delivery and smaller CMVs are on the road. Every year, these smaller CMVs account for 1-in-4 CMV-involved crashes, and 1-in-5 Federal OOS orders.

  • Add a Third Layer of Safety Focusing on Smaller CMVs in Interstate Commerce

    Imagine how many more crashes, fatalities and injuries States can prevent by identifying and immobilizing Federal OOS lower-weighted vehicles of GVWR of 10,001-26,000 pounds, too!

How to achieve Expanded PRISM Participation?

Step 1

States must have legislation or administrative authority and apply the Full PRISM Participation requirements 1-6 to non-IRP Interstate lower-weighted CMVs.

Step 2

States must meet and maintain the requirements for Full and Enhanced PRISM before a State is reviewed and certified for Expanded PRISM. States can also move up both levels simultaneously.

Step 3

Upgrade State IT systems with the ability to identify and classify lower-weighted vehicles and deliver that data to FMCSA systems. The PRISM team will help you build a plan that’s specific to your State.

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FMCSA’s PRISM team helps with training, technical support, and grant funding. Get started by contacting us at