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What is PRISM?

FMCSA’s Performance Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) is a partnership with State commercial motor vehicle (CMV) registration offices and law enforcement that improves highway safety by identifying and immobilizing commercial motor carriers that are prohibited from operating due to a Federal Out-of-Service (OOS) order.

The PRISM processes add another safety layer to FMCSA enforcement programs, providing States the CMV information they need to detect carriers attempting to operate while under a Federal OOS order.

FMCSA issues Federal OOS orders to carriers with significant safety deficiencies that pose a risk to the public. PRISM enforces FMCSA safety standards to incentivize motor carriers that are prohibited from operating to correct their safety deficiencies, or face State registration and law enforcement sanctions. PRISM strengthens States’ capacities to identify, suspend, and deny registration applications and renewals of OOS carriers and vehicles. Roadway safety is a shared responsibility, and the PRISM partnership with State agencies efficiently enforces Federal OOS orders, keeping more OOS vehicles off the highways.



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Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) carriers must maintain the safety of their operations, taking responsibility for their vehicles, drivers, and documentation. FMCSA issues Federal Out-of-Service (OOS) Orders to carriers with significant safety deficiencies. All OOS carriers are required to stay off the road until they satisfy their OOS order requirements.


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FMCSA stores information about OOS orders in its web systems. The PRISM process offers States online access to this information. The PRISM Technical Team partners with State registration and information technology (IT) professionals to aid them in retrieving this information using their State’s IT systems.


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When a carrier applies for registration or renewal, the State CMV registration office compares the carrier’s data to the Federal OOS list provided by FMCSA. PRISM alerts State systems when an OOS carrier attempts to register / renew a vehicle registration or is identified on the road.


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State registration offices deny, suspend, or revoke registrations and immobilize carriers attempting to operate in violation of their OOS orders. State law enforcement may also access PRISM data to identify and immobilize OOS violators at the roadside.


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States update FMCSA on carriers attempting to violate their OOS orders and their State’s response. Through the PRISM process, FMCSA and States collaborate to make sure that all available systems work together to keep OOS vehicles off the Nation’s roads.
Safety is the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT) top priority.

The National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) outlines the U.S. DOT’s comprehensive approach to significantly reduce serious injuries and deaths on our Nation’s roadways. PRISM Level Up CMV safety initiative supports several priorities outlined in the U.S. DOT’s Strategic Plan, including:

  • Improve mission support systems so that timely and accurate information is available for better oversight of operations, compliance activities, reporting functions, and business processes.
  • Help grantees/partners with ready-made tools/data and provide access to our data/tools.
  • Improve technical assistance and resources to awardees ensuring successful and improved outcomes.
  • Deploy staff, tools, and processes needed to ensure the accuracy, confidentiality, and trust in the DOT’s systems and data by internal and external customers and other stakeholders, including the general public and government officials.

PRISM Partnership

The PRISM processes are a partnership with FMCSA Headquarters, FMCSA Field Offices, and States. Each entity plays an essential role in PRISM’s success as a safety mechanism. PRISM can help the U.S. DOT reach its long-term goal of zero roadway fatalities by working with stakeholders.

FMCSA’s PRISM team supports each State in achieving their safety goals. The PRISM processes provide States with training and technical support, increasing States’ capacity to leverage information technology as a vital tool in enhancing public safety. FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) and High Priority Commercial Motor Vehicle (HP-CMV) grant programs provide funding to support States’ PRISM participation.

Together, we maintain road safety by ensuring commercial motor carriers that pose a risk to roadway safety remain out of operation.

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  • Issues Federal OOS orders to carriers with safety deficiencies and maintains data about OOS carriers in its web systems
  • Provides States with funding and training
  • Convenes quarterly Stakeholder Forum sessions for sharing information and best practices
  • Offers technical assistance
  • Assesses State PRISM Participation Levels through onsite and virtual reviews
  • Commends States for exceptional PRISM achievement
PRISM Participation Process Icon


  • Achieve PRISM participation as mandated by the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
  • Connect PRISM resources to State registration and IT systems
  • Access Federal data that identifies OOS commercial vehicles
  • Use the PRISM process in State motor vehicle registries to deny, suspend, or revoke vehicle registrations by carriers with Federal OOS orders
  • Check VIN prior to registration to identify potential reincarnated carriers
  • Use the PRISM process in State inspections and enforcement to immobilize vehicles at the roadside if they are found operating while under a Federal OOS order
Which participation level has your State achieved?
Visit the home page to view the latest PRISM Map.
Contact Us
Questions? Need support? Contact the PRISM Technical Team.
PRISM's Impact
Download the PRISM Impact Report to learn how PRISM is keeping unsafe carriers off our Nation’s roads.