Sequence of Events - Collision Involving/With Attributes:
Pedestrian - persons traveling on their feet. This also includes persons on Personal Conveyances. A personal conveyance is (1) a human-powered, non-motorized device not propelled by pedaling, (2) such devices even when motorized. Examples include; skateboard riders, people in wheelchairs, roller skates, motorized scooters, etc.
Motor Vehicle In-transport -Use this code when one motor vehicle collides with another motor vehicle in motion within the trafficway, or on a roadway (In-Transport). Inclusions: motor vehicle in traffic on a highway, driverless motor vehicle in motion, motionless motor vehicle abandoned on a roadway, disabled motor vehicle on a roadway, etc. In roadway lanes used for travel during rush hours and parking during off peak periods, a parked motor vehicle is “in-transport” during periods when parking is forbidden.
Parked Motor Vehicle- refers to the collision of a motor vehicle in-transport with a motor vehicle not in-transport. Parked motor vehicles include vehicles parked outside the roadway and those parked in the roadway in lanes not designated for travel at the time of accident.
Train- used when qualifying vehicle strikes a train, cable car or trolley which are on rails. Cable cars and trolleys not on rails are considered motor vehicles in-transport.