Motor Carrier Census Information
This file contains a subset of FMCSA registration data for all motor carriers. The zip file contains two files: 1. A comma delimited “flat’” data file with the following information: U.S. DOT#, company name, address, contacts, number of Power Units, number of drivers, and other registration information. 2. A text file that describes the contents of the data file.
FMCSA uses data filters, tailored scripts, and quality assurance checks when generating official statistics from the raw data it receives from motor carriers. The data you are receiving/purchasing are raw data, and have not been filtered or checked for accuracy.
Motor Carrier Safety Measurement System (SMS) Results - All Motor Carriers
These files contain the current SMS results for all active motor carriers. Each zip file contains two files: 1. A comma delimited “flat” data file with inspection summary data and the SMS Measure results for each publicly available BASIC for each carrier with an active U.S. DOT#. 2. A text file that describes the contents of the data file.
The SMS Summary Results for active Interstate carriers and active Intrastate Hazmat
Motor Carriers
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The SMS Summary Results for active Intrastate Non-Hazmat Motor Carriers
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Motor Carrier Safety Measurement System (SMS) Results - Passenger Motor Carriers Only
These files contain the current SMS results for all active passenger motor carriers. Each zip file contains two files: 1. A comma delimited “flat” data file with inspection summary data and the SMS Measure and Percentile results for each publicly available BASIC for each passenger carrier with an active U.S. DOT#. 2. A text file that describes the contents of the data file.
The SMS Summary Results for active Interstate carriers and active Intrastate Hazmat
Passenger Carriers
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The SMS Summary Results for active Intrastate Non-Hazmat Passenger Carriers
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Motor Carrier Inspection Information
The two files available for download contain the publicly available inspection and violation data used for the current month’s SMS calculations. The inspection file contains identifying information for the inspection such as the U.S. DOT#, Report Number, Inspection Date, State, and Vehicle Information. It also includes information about the relationship of each inspection to SMS BASIC information, and violation counts by BASIC. The violation file contains details on each violation that was used in SMS calculations. This includes an identifier linking the violation to the inspection in which it was cited, the violation code, violation description, and information related to the SMS methodology. Each zip file contains a ‘flat’ comma delimited data file and a ‘Readme’ file that describes the data file.
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If you are having issues with downloading Crash, Inspection and Violation data directly, FTP clients such as WinSCP or FileZilla will allow you to download successfully.
Motor Carrier Crash Information
This file contains the publicly available crash data used for the current month’s SMS calculations. The file contains a record for each commercial motor vehicle involved in a crash including the U.S. DOT#, Report Number, Crash Date, State, and Vehicle Information. It also includes information about the severity of the crash (tow-away, injury, fatal) and the associated severity and time weights used in the SMS. The zip file contains a ‘flat’ comma delimited data file and a ‘Readme’ file that describes the data file.
If you are having issues with downloading Crash, Inspection and Violation data directly, FTP clients such as WinSCP or FileZilla will allow you to download successfully.
MCMIS Data Dissemination Catalog
The FMCSA maintains the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). MCMIS contains information on the safety fitness of commercial motor carriers (truck and bus) and hazardous material shippers subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs). This information is available to the general public through the MCMIS Data Dissemination Program.
Click the link below for a description of the Data Dissemination Program.