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FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration

CSA - Compliance, Safety, Accountability

Working Together for Safety.

SMS - Safety Measurement System SMS - Safety Measurement System

Inspection Results

  • Driver Inspections
  • Average Severity Weight
  • Driver Inspections without Violations
  • Driver Inspections with Violations

The graph below displays the number of inspections that the carrier has received for a selected period of time, with or without violations for this BASIC. Expand for more information.

The graph below displays detailed inspection information for the carrier over time for this BASIC. All inspection violations that pertain to a BASIC are assigned violation weights that reflect their association with crash occurrence and crash consequences. Select from the drop-down to view this data along with details on inspections and average severity weights per inspection.

  • 1,600
  • 1,200
  • 800
  • 400
  • 0
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • 2023
  • 2024
Year Number Month Number Month Short Name Roadside Events Roadside Events with Violations Roadside Events without Violations Average Severity Weight Non SMS Roadside Event
2022 8 Aug 97 3 94 0.0825 0
2022 9 Sep 1287 65 1222 0.1562 0
2022 10 Oct 1104 54 1050 0.1522 0
2022 11 Nov 1071 54 1017 0.1858 0
2022 12 Dec 1020 56 964 0.1775 0
2023 1 Jan 1116 71 1045 0.2106 0
2023 2 Feb 930 53 877 0.1849 0
2023 3 Mar 1160 64 1096 0.1664 0
2023 4 Apr 921 53 868 0.1607 0
2023 5 May 1096 56 1040 0.1606 0
2023 6 Jun 993 51 942 0.1843 0
2023 7 Jul 961 56 905 0.1883 0
2023 8 Aug 1034 60 974 0.1721 0
2023 9 Sep 947 46 901 0.1436 0
2023 10 Oct 843 52 791 0.2574 0
2023 11 Nov 851 45 806 0.1293 0
2023 12 Dec 843 37 806 0.1542 0
2024 1 Jan 829 53 776 0.1761 0
2024 2 Feb 989 45 944 0.1810 0
2024 3 Mar 855 40 815 0.2117 0
2024 4 Apr 858 40 818 0.1352 0
2024 5 May 842 29 813 0.1651 0
2024 6 Jun 780 22 758 0.1256 0
2024 7 Jul 844 36 808 0.1552 0
2024 8 Aug 734 24 710 0.1008 0