393.11A1-LCL |
393.11(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Lighting - Clearance Lamp(S) Missing |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.11A1-LFTSM |
393.11(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Lighting - Front - Turn Signal - Missing. |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.11A1-LHLM |
393.11(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Lighting - Headlamp(S) - Any Missing |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.11A1-LIL |
393.11(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Lighting - Identification Lamp(S) Missing |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.201A-FRCLS |
393.201(a) |
1 |
No |
Frame - Cracked/Loose/Sagging/Broken Frame Or Chassis |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.203B-CBP |
393.203(b) |
1 |
No |
Cab And Body Parts - Cab/Body Mounts Loose/Broken/Missing |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.207A-SAPPAS |
393.207(a) |
1 |
Yes |
Suspension - Axle Positioning Part Cracked/Broken/Loose/Missing Resulting In Axle Shift |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.209D-STGBL |
393.209(d) |
1 |
Yes |
Steering - Gear Box Mounting Bolt Loose |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.23-LEU |
393.23 |
2 |
Yes |
Lighting - All Electrical Systems On Towed Vehicle(S) Inoperative Due To No Electrical Connection (E.G., Unplugged Or Loose Pigtail) |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.60B |
393.60(b) |
1 |
No |
Windshield - Missing |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.75A1-TEPBM |
393.75(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Tires - Exposed Ply Or Belt Material In Tread Or Sidewall Area |
No |
Result of Crash, Multiple Cites |
393.78 |
393.78 |
1 |
No |
Wipers - Inoperative / Missing / Damaged Wipers |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.95A1 |
393.95(a)(1) |
1 |
No |
Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - No Fire Extinguisher Present Or Not Properly Rated. |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.95F |
393.95(f) |
1 |
No |
Emergency Equipment - Stopped Vehicle Warning Devices Missing Or Improper |
No |
Result of Crash |
393.9A-LTSIR |
393.9(a) |
1 |
No |
Lighting - Turn Signal -Any Inoperative On A Unit That Is Not The Rearmost Unit |
No |
Result of Crash |
396.3A1-F |
396.3(a)(1) |
1 |
Yes |
Fuel - Dripping Leak. |
No |
Result of Crash |