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Motor carriers, State enforcement users, and other non-Federal DOT employees or contractors must authenticate using Login.gov to continue.
Federal DOT Employees and Contractors must authenticate using MyAccess to continue.
Motor carriers and State enforcement users must now use Login.gov to sign in to the New Entrant Web System (NEWS). This is the same Login.gov account used to access the FMCSA Portal. Motor carriers who need assistance should contact the FMCSA Information Line at (800) 832-5660 or submit a ticket online. State enforcement users who need assistance should contact FMCSA Technical Support.
U.S. DOT Employees and Contractors must now use their PIV card with MyAccess to sign in to NEWS. For further assistance with logging in, contact fmctechsup@dot.gov or 617-494-3003.
Carriers need an FMCSA-issued U.S. DOT Number and a U.S. DOT Number Personal Identification Number (PIN) (NOT a Docket Number PIN) to access the Safety Measurement System (SMS) website. If you are experiencing difficulties, please review the information below before contacting the CSA Web team for assistance.
For additional details, select an option below.
Carriers no longer use their PIN or U.S. DOT Number to access the New Entrant Web System (NEWS), the system used for offsite safety audits. You must log in using the same Login.gov account you use to access the FMCSA Portal. For assistance with logging in, contact the FMCSA Information Line at (800) 832-5660 or submit a ticket online by clicking on the link Send us a Ticket found at the top of FMCSA’s Registration webpage here.
Call (800) 832-5660, submit a ticket online by clicking on the link Send us a Ticket found at the top of FMCSA’s Registration webpage here, or find your Motor Carrier Enforcement Office below.
Complete the form below.
Type the code from the image