Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
393.60(d) Windshield / Windows - Tinting permits less than 70% of light transmittance. 4 0 1
393.78 Wipers - Inoperative / missing / damaged wipers. 3 0 1
393.9 Inoperable Required Lamp 3 0 2
393.60(c) Windshield - Damaged or Discolored 2 0 1
393.9A-LHLI Lighting - Headlamp(s) - Any inoperative. 2 0 6
396.17C-PI Operating a CMV without documentation of a periodic inspection. 2 0 4
396.9(d)(2) Failure to correct defects noted on previous inspection report 2 0 4
392.2WC Wheel (Mud) Flaps missing or defective 1 0 1
392.9A-DFSL Driver - Failing to properly secure load. 1 0 1
392.9A2-C Cargo - Vehicle components or dunnage not secured. 1 1 1
393.100(b) Leaking/spilling/blowing/falling cargo 1 1 7
393.11 No or defective lighting devices or reflective material as required 1 0 3
393.55D1-B Air Brake - ABS malfunction lamp defective on truck/bus manufactured on or after March 1, 1997 and each single unit CMV on or after March 1, 1998. 1 0 4
393.75(a)(3) Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 1 1 8
393.75(c) Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch measured in a major tread groove 1 0 8
393.75A3-TAOL Tires - All others, leaking or inflation less than 50% of the maximum inflation pressure on tire not equipped with ATIS 1 1 8
393.75G-TAOW Tires - All others, weight carried exceeds tire load limit. 1 1 3
393.78A-WS Washers - Inoperative washing system. 1 0 1
393.95A1 Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - no fire extinguisher present or not properly rated. 1 0 2
393.9A-LLPL Lighting - License plate lamp inoperative. 1 0 2