Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
397.67 HM vehicle routing violation (non RAM) 5 0 1
177.817(e) Shipping paper accessibility 2 0 3
172.201(d) ER phone number not in compliance with Subpart G 1 0 3
172.516(c)(5) Placard not reading horizontally 1 0 5
172.516(c)(6) Placard damaged, deteriorated, or obscured 1 0 5
172.516C6-HMPMC HM (Placarding) - Failure to maintain placard(s) in a condition so that the format, legibility, color, and visibility of the placard will not be substantially reduced due to damage, deterioration, or obscurement by dirt or other matter. 1 0 5
172.519 Placard does not meet specifications 1 0 5
172.600(c) Offer or transport without emergency response information 1 0 3
172.602(c)(1) Maintenance/accessibility of Emergency Response information 1 0 3
173.24(b)(1) Release of Hazardous Materials from package 1 1 10
177.817(a) No or improper shipping papers (carrier) 1 1 3
177.823A-HMPMCNP HM (Placarding) - Any placard(s) misrepresent(s) the HM/DG being transported. CVSA Inspection Bulletin 2017-03 - Display of GHS Labels on Bulk Packages. 1 1 5
178.345-11(b)(1) DOT406/407/412 self closing system and remote means of closure 1 0 8
178.345-6 DOT406/407/412 supports and anchoring 1 0 8
178.345-8(a)(5) DOT406/407/412 minimum road clearance 1 0 8
180.415(b) Cargo tank test or inspection markings 1 0 7