Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
172.504(a) Vehicle not placarded as required 4 2 5
172.602(c)(1) Maintenance/accessibility of Emergency Response information 2 0 3
177.823(a) No placards/markings when required 2 1 5
177.823A-HMPMCNP50% HM (Placarding) - 50% or more of the required placards for a hazard class are missing. CVSA Inspection Bulletin 2017-03 - Display of GHS Labels on Bulk Packages. 2 2 5
171.2(a) Failure to comply with Hazardous Materials regulations 1 0 2
171.2-BHMGRMC HM general requirements - failing to comply with all applicable requirements of this subchapter, an exemption, special permit, approval or registration. 1 0 2
172.202A7-HMSPS HM (Shipping Papers) - Shipper HM shipping paper does not list number and type of package as required. 1 0 3
172.516(c)(1) Placard not securely affixed or attached 1 0 5
172.604A-HMER HM (Emergency Response) - Failing to ensure the numeric specifications for the emergency response number are met. 1 0 3
177.817(e) Shipping paper accessibility 1 0 3