Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
396.3(a)(1) Inspection, repair and maintenance of parts and accessories 3 0 2
393.207A-SAPPCBLM Suspension - Axle positioning part cracked/broken/loose/missing. 2 0 7
393.75C-TAOTD-LT2/32 Tires - Less than 2/32 inch tread depth. 2 0 8
393.205(a) Wheel/rim cracked or broken 1 0 2
393.205A-WRTC Wheel/Rim - Two or more cracks anywhere. 1 1 2
393.207(a) Axle positioning parts defective/missing 1 1 7
393.25(a) Improper Lamp Mounting 1 0 6
393.45 Brake tubing and hose adequacy 1 1 4
393.45B2PC Brake Hose or Tubing Chafing and/or Kinking - Connection to Power Unit 1 1 4
393.47(d) All Brakes - Insufficient brake lining thickness 1 0 4
393.48(a) Inoperative/defective brakes 1 0 4
393.70B1II Defective / Improper fifth wheel assembly upper half 1 0 3
393.75(a)(3) Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 1 1 8
393.75(c) Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch measured in a major tread groove 1 0 8
393.93(b) Failure to equip truck with seatbelts 1 0 2
393.95(a) No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 1 0 2
393.95A4-EEUS Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - unsecured. 1 0 2
393.9TS Inoperative turn signal 1 0 6
396.3A1B Brakes (general) Explain: 1 0 4
396.3A1BL Brake system pressure loss 1 0 4
396.5B-HLOW Hubs - oil and/or Grease Leaking from hub - outer wheel 1 1 2
396.7 Unsafe operations forbidden 1 0 3