Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
393.75A3-TAOL Tires - All others, leaking or inflation less than 50% of the maximum inflation pressure on tire not equipped with ATIS 3 3 8
392.9(a) Failing to secure load 1 1 1
393.45(b)(2) Brake hose or tubing chafing and/or kinking 1 0 4
393.45(d) Brake connections with leaks or constrictions 1 0 4
393.47(e) Brake Out of Adjustment - Roto, Clamp (Short & Long), DD-3, or Bolt 1 0 4
393.53B-B Air Brake - CMV manufactured on or after 10/20/1994 has an automatic airbrake adjustment system that fails to compensate for wear. 1 0 4
393.95(a) No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 1 0 2
393.9A-LCL Lighting - Clearance lamp(s) inoperative. 1 0 2
393.9A-LSLI Lighting - Stop lamps - Any inoperative. 1 0 6
393.9A-LSLIWR Lighting - Stop lamps - Both inoperative when required to be on. 1 1 6
393.9T Inoperable tail lamp 1 0 6
396.5B-HWSL Hubs - Wheel seal leaking. 1 1 2