Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
7/11/2024 WA2047000236 WA 3404699 IN Truck Tractor 0 3 0
6/6/2024 CO1112510160 CO 3570059 IN Truck Tractor 0 3 0
4/17/2024 MTU716900555 MT 3403699 IN Truck Tractor 0 3 0
3/1/2024 TNI033Z20008 TN 3121144 IN Truck Tractor 0 3 0
1/24/2024 KSHP01750137 KS 3260629 IN Truck Tractor 13 2 26
392.4A-POS Driver on duty and in possession of a narcotic drug / amphetamine (OOS) 10 + 0 (OOS)  
392.5(a)(3) Driver having possession of alcohol while on duty, or operating, or in physical control of a CMV (OOS) 3 + 0 (OOS)  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 13  
11/2/2023 CANDM1005695 CA 3267069 IN Truck Tractor 0 2 0
9/26/2023 AZ0332000890 AZ 3403699 IN Truck Tractor 0 2 0
9/15/2023 MD2098005346 MD 3403699 IN Truck Tractor 0 2 0
9/6/2023 AZ0420000311 AZ 3127159 IN Straight Truck 0 2 0
8/18/2023 MSU043001395 MS 3298132 IN Truck Tractor 0 1 0
8/18/2023 TNMDCC004415 TN 3298132 IN Truck Tractor 0 1 0
5/1/2023 KYCV44583856 KY 3267069 IN Truck Tractor 0 1 0
4/26/2023 CANEAB000513 CA 3298132 IN Full Trailer 0 1 0
3/19/2023 CAND72006646 CA 3267069 IN Truck Tractor 0 1 0
10/24/2022 CANBH6003756 CA 3298132 IN Truck Tractor 0 1 0
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0