Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
395.8 Record of Duty Status violation (general/form and manner) 4 0 1
395.8A-ELD ELD - No record of duty status (ELD Required) 4 2 5
395.8A1-HOSP HOS (Property) - Failing to have a record of duty status using the method prescribed. 2 2 5
392.2H State/Local Hours of Service 1 0 7
395.22G Portable ELD not mounted in a fixed position and visible to driver 1 0 1
395.22G-ELDMFV HOS (ELD) - A portable ELD is not mounted in a fixed position and visible to the driver when seated in the normal driving position. 1 0 1
395.24 HOS (ELD) - ELD form and manner 1 0 1
395.24C2II Driver failed to manually add the trailer number 1 0 1
395.26(b) Motor carrier failed to ensure that the ELD automatically recorded the required data elements. 1 0 1
395.3A3-PROPN Driving beyond 11 hour driving limit in a 14 hour period. (Property carrying vehicle) - Nominal Violation 1 0 1
395.8(a) HOS (Form) - Paper Log / Logging Programs Form and Manner 1 0 1
395.8(e) False report of drivers record of duty status 1 0 7
395.8(k)(2) Driver failing to retain previous 7 days records of duty status 1 1 5
395.8A-NON-ELD No record of duty status when one is required (ELD Not Required) 1 1 5
395.8F01 Drivers record of duty status not current 1 0 5