Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
8/26/2024 US0898001170 US 79BA4H MX Straight Truck 7 3 21
393.11A1-LIL Lighting - Identification lamp(s) missing. 2  
393.60E Windshield - Obstructed. 1  
393.9A-LCL Lighting - Clearance lamp(s) inoperative. 2  
393.11A1-LLPL Lighting - License plate lamp missing. 2  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 7  
5/21/2024 US0981001031 US 32AE8N MX Straight Truck 7 3 21
393.95(b) No spare fuses as required 2  
393.201C-FR Frame - Bent, cut or notched other than by vehicle manufacturer. 2  
393.30-B Battery - Not protected. 3  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 7  
8/29/2023 US1359000387 US 17AL1Y TA Straight Truck 2 1 2
393.201C-FR Frame - Bent, cut or notched other than by vehicle manufacturer. 2  
10/4/2022 US1126018590 US 17AL1Y MX Straight Truck 3 1 3
393.11LR No Lower rear retroreflective sheeting or reflex reflective materials as required for vehicles manufactured after December 1993 3  
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0