Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
6/29/2024 FL2621002136 FL R487873 TX Truck Tractor 7 3 21
395.8A1-HOSP HOS (Property) - Failing to have a record of duty status using the method prescribed. (OOS) 5 + 2 (OOS)  
3/4/2024 SCE286004927 SC R487873 TX Truck Tractor 0 3 0
2/19/2024 TXV241327765 TX R487873 TX Truck Tractor 0 3 0
1/4/2024 LALANK002312 LA R487873 TX Truck Tractor 16 2 32
395.3A2-PROP Driving beyond 14 hour duty period (Property carrying vehicle) 7  
395.30B1 Driver failed to certify the accuracy of the information gathered by the ELD 1  
395.3A3-PROP Driving beyond 11 hour driving limit. (Property Carrying Vehicle) 7  
395.24C2II Driver failed to manually add the trailer number 1  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 16  
12/21/2022 TX6H2C0XJMI4 TX R487873 TX Truck Tractor 0 1 0
11/8/2022 MS1017010985 MS R487873 TX Truck Tractor 0 1 0
8/30/2022 FL2214005142 FL R487873 TX Truck Tractor 1 1 1
395.26(b) Motor carrier failed to ensure that the ELD automatically recorded the required data elements. 1  
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0