Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
2/23/2024 OKH700000171 OK R672843 TX Truck Tractor 0 3 0
8/29/2023 ARC559006835 AR R284775 TX Truck Tractor 0 2 0
12/17/2022 TX6GYB0VMAIK TX R371361 TX Truck Tractor 0 1 0
11/8/2022 TX6FVI0XCH0A TX R581079 TX Truck Tractor 0 1 0
10/17/2022 TX6F9I0AOA7C TX R284775 TX Truck Tractor 0 1 0
10/15/2022 TX6F7J0JJLLZ TX R598804 TX Truck Tractor 4 1 4
391.45(b) Expired medical examiner's certificate 1  
391.41(a) No medical certificate in driver's possession (OOS) 1 + 2 (OOS)  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 4  
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0