Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
396.17(c) Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection 2 0 4
392.9(a)(2) Failing to secure vehicle equipment 1 1 1
393.110(b) Insufficient tiedowns to prevent forward movement for load not blocked by headerboard, bulkhead, or other cargo. 1 1 3
393.45(b)(2) Brake hose or tubing chafing and/or kinking 1 0 4
393.60(c) Windshield - Damaged or Discolored 1 0 1
393.78 Wipers - Inoperative / missing / damaged wipers. 1 0 1
393.95(a) No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 1 0 2
393.95(f) Emergency Equipment - Stopped vehicle warning devices missing or improper. 1 0 2
393.9TS Inoperative turn signal 1 0 6
396.3A1-LLEAK A liquid fuel system with a dripping leak at any point. 1 1 3
396.5(b) Oil and/or grease leak 1 0 3