Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
395.15G01 Driver failed to have instructions on-board CMV for installed automatic on-board recording device. 1 0 1
395.15G02 Driver failed to have on-board a CMV a sufficient supply of blank records of duty status graph-grids. 1 0 1
395.15I9 Driver not adequately trained in the operation of the automatic on-board recording device. 1 0 1
395.22G Portable ELD not mounted in a fixed position and visible to driver 1 0 1
395.22H3 Driver failed to maintain instruction sheet for ELD malfunction reporting requirements 1 0 1
395.24C2III Driver failed to manually add shipping document number 1 0 1
395.3A2-PROPN Driving beyond 14 hour duty period (Property carrying vehicle) - Nominal Violation 1 0 1