Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
396.5B-HLIW Hubs - Oil and/or Grease Leaking from hub - inner wheel 2 1 2
392.9(a)(2) Failing to secure vehicle equipment 1 1 1
393.207(a) Axle positioning parts defective/missing 1 1 7
393.47(a) Inadequate brakes for safe stopping - Brake Lining condition 1 1 4
393.75(a)(3) Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 1 1 8
393.9 Inoperable Required Lamp 1 0 2
393.9H Inoperable head lamps 1 0 6
393.9TS Inoperative turn signal 1 1 6
396.3(a)(1) Brake - Leak from air chamber 1 0 4
396.3(a)(1) Brake - Hole in Spring Brake Housing 1 1 4
396.3(a)1BOS Brake - Defective brake(s) are equal to or greater than 20% of the service brakes on the vehicle/combination. 1 1 0
396.5A-HNLOW Hubs - No visible or measurable lubricant showing in the hub - outer wheel 1 1 2