Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
172.504(a) Vehicle not placarded as required 2 0 5
177.823(a) No placards/markings when required 2 2 5
177.834(a) Package not secure in vehicle 2 2 10
171.2(k) Representing vehicle with Hazardous Materials with none present 1 0 5
172.200(a) No shipping paper provided by offeror 1 0 3
172.202(a)(5) No or improper Total Quantity listed 1 0 3
172.502(a)(1) Prohibited placarding 1 0 5
172.516(c)(5) Placard not reading horizontally 1 0 5
172.516(c)(6) Placard damaged, deteriorated, or obscured 1 0 5
172.600(c) Offer or transport without emergency response information 1 0 3
172.602(c)(1) Maintenance/accessibility of Emergency Response information 1 0 3
177.801-HMHCNP HM (Highway Carriage) - Driver accepted/transported HM not prepared in accordance with this Subchapter. Explain: 1 0 2
177.817(a) No or improper shipping papers (carrier) 1 1 3
177.817(e) Shipping paper accessibility 1 0 3
177.817A-HMPSPMC HM (Shipping Papers) - Motor carrier permit/require a driver to operate a motor vehicle without a proper shipping paper. 1 0 3
177.817A-HMSP HM (Shipping Papers) - Operate a motor vehicle without a required shipping paper. NOTE: An error in the shipping description or an incomlete shipping description that will not impede emergency response does not constitute an OOS condition. 1 1 3
177.817E2-HMHC HM (Highway Carriage) - Failing to have HM shipping papers readily accessible. 1 0 3
177.823A-HMPMCNP50% HM (Placarding) - 50% or more of the required placards for a hazard class are missing. CVSA Inspection Bulletin 2017-03 - Display of GHS Labels on Bulk Packages. 1 1 5
177.834A-HMC HM (Cargo) - Operating a motor vehicle with HM not blocked/braced/secured as required. NOTE: Any shifting likely to adversely affect HM/DG package integrity, under conditions normally incident to transportation. 1 1 10