Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
2/19/2024 KYCV43823956 KY AL3888 ID Truck Tractor 0 3 0
2/7/2024 ME3998011654 ME AL9679 ID Truck Tractor 12 3 36
395.8(e) False report of drivers record of duty status (OOS) 7 + 2 (OOS)  
395.24(d) ELD cannot transfer ELD records electronically 3  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 12  
12/6/2023 LALAPQ001523 LA AL9679 ID Truck Tractor 0 2 0
10/30/2023 MOW089001306 MO AL2153 ID Truck Tractor 0 2 0
5/11/2023 NET035000013 NE AL5500 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
3/26/2023 UT23FB000242 UT AL5500 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
1/31/2023 MTK637001192 MT AL9679 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
1/15/2023 CO4C38000008 CO AL3888 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
12/14/2022 KYCV42253329 KY AM2529 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
12/7/2022 KYCV44700854 KY AK6203 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
9/16/2022 UT22TR000888 UT AM2529 ID Truck Tractor 6 1 6
395.34A1 Failing to note malfunction that requires use of paper log 5  
395.22H2 Driver failing to maintain ELD instruction sheet 1  
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW) 6  
9/8/2022 WAW321004484 WA AL5500 ID Truck Tractor 0 1 0
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0