Report Vehicle Measure = Sum of the Total Weight (TotW) Sum of the Time Weight (TiW)
Inspection Date Number State Plate Number Plate State Type Severity Weight
Time Weight
Total Weight
10/31/2023 TX6PS89DLEB3 TX GVX2231 TX Straight Truck 0 2 0
9/6/2023 TX6O9A9DBEWX TX LPB4034 TX Straight Truck 0 2 0
5/25/2023 TXV231035687 TX KDF3408 TX Straight Truck 5 1 5
172.504(a) Vehicle not placarded as required 5  
5/11/2023 TX6KZC9DKYKT TX KDF3408 TX Straight Truck 7 1 7
172.504(a) Vehicle not placarded as required (OOS) 5 + 2 (OOS)  
3/27/2023 TX6JQB9DGX7U TX LPB4034 TX Straight Truck 0 1 0
2/27/2023 TX6IYG9DJNFW TX SGK9060 TX Straight Truck 0 1 0
2/9/2023 TX6IGC9DBJAE TX GVX2231 TX Straight Truck 3 1 3
172.602(a) Emergency Response information not complete 3  
12/6/2022 TX6GND9DFM6C TX LPB4034 TX Straight Truck 0 1 0
Sum of measure weights Sum of measure weights 0 0 0