Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
393.75(a)(3) Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 48 48 8
393.75A3-TAOL Tires - All others, leaking or inflation less than 50% of the maximum inflation pressure on tire not equipped with ATIS 20 20 8
393.75(a) Flat tire or fabric exposed 12 12 8
393.9 Inoperable Required Lamp 8 1 2
392.2WC Wheel (Mud) Flaps missing or defective 5 0 1
393.45B2UV Brake Hose or Tubing Chafing and/or Kinking Under Vehicle 5 1 4
393.45(b)(2) Brake hose or tubing chafing and/or kinking 4 0 4
393.55(e) No or Defective ABS Malfunction Indicator Lamp for trailer manufactured after 03/01/1998 4 0 4
393.9(a) Inoperative Brake Lamps 4 4 6
396.17(c) Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection 4 0 4
393.11 No or defective lighting devices or reflective material as required 3 0 3
393.75A3-ATIS Tires - All others, leaking with inflation more than 50% of the maximum inflation pressure on tire equipped with ATIS 3 0 8
393.100(c) Failure to prevent cargo shifting 2 2 1
393.122B-CPR Paper Rolls - Improper securement of paper rolls transported with eyes vertical in a sided vehicle 2 2 7
393.45(d) Brake connections with leaks or constrictions 2 0 4
393.45B2PC Brake Hose or Tubing Chafing and/or Kinking - Connection to Power Unit 2 1 4
393.45D-B Air Brake - Audible air leak at a proper connection. 2 0 4
393.45DLPC Brake Connections with Leaks - Connection to Power Unit 2 1 4
393.45DLUV Brake Connections with Leaks Under Vehicle 2 0 4
393.45PC Brake Tubing and Hose Adequacy - Connections to Power Unit 2 2 4
393.55(d)(2) CMV manufactured on/after 3/1/2001 not equipped with ABS malfunction circuit / lamp from towed vehicle in cab. 2 0 4
393.55(d)(3) No or Defective ABS Malfunction Indicator for towed vehicles on vehicles manufactured after February 2001 2 0 4
393.78A-WS Washers - Inoperative washing system. 2 0 1
393.95A1 Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - no fire extinguisher present or not properly rated. 2 0 2
393.9TS Inoperative turn signal 2 1 6
396.17C-PI Operating a CMV without documentation of a periodic inspection. 2 0 4
396.3(a)(1) Brake - Leak from air chamber 2 0 4
396.3A1BL Brake system pressure loss 2 1 4
392.9A2-C Cargo - Vehicle components or dunnage not secured. 1 1 1
393.100B-C Cargo - Cargo not secured to prevent leaking/spilling/blowing/falling from CMV. 1 1 7
393.100C-C Cargo - Cargo not secured against shifting. 1 0 1
393.102(a)(1)(i) Insufficient means to prevent forward movement 1 0 3
393.106B-C Cargo - Not immobilized or secured. 1 0 3
393.11TT Truck-Tractor with No retroreflective sheeting or reflex reflective material on vehicle manufactured after July 1997 1 0 3
393.120E-CDL Metal Coils - Improper securement of coils in a sided vehicle without anchor points. 1 1 7
393.201(d) Frame accessories improperly attached 1 0 2
393.203 Cab/body parts requirements violations 1 0 2
393.203(b) Cab/body improperly secured to frame 1 0 2
393.205(a) Wheel/rim cracked or broken 1 0 2
393.205A-WRCC Wheel/Rim - Circumferential crack. 1 1 2
393.207(a) Axle positioning parts defective/missing 1 1 7
393.207B-AALPME-OOS More than 25% of the locking pins are missing or not engaged. 1 1 7
393.25(e) Lamp not steady burning 1 0 6
393.45B2-B Air brake - Hose/tubing damaged or not secured 1 0 4
393.45B2-B-AIR Air Brake - Hose/tubing damaged or not secured. 1 0 4
393.45UV Brake Tubing and Hose Adequacy Under Vehicle 1 0 4
393.48(a) Inoperative/defective brakes 1 0 4
393.60EWS Windshield - Obstructed 1 0 1
393.75(a)(2) Tire-tread and/or sidewall separation 1 1 8
393.75(c) Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch measured in a major tread groove 1 0 8
393.75A1-TEPBM Tires - Exposed ply or belt material in tread or sidewall area. 1 0 8
393.75A1-TFBMF Tires - Front, belt material/casing ply showing in tread area. 1 1 8
393.95(a) No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 1 0 2
393.95(f) Emergency Equipment - Stopped vehicle warning devices missing or improper. 1 0 2
393.95A4-EEUS Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - unsecured. 1 0 2
393.9A-LBL Lighting - Backup lamp inoperative. 1 0 6
393.9A-LCL Lighting - Clearance lamp(s) inoperative. 1 0 2
393.9A-LFTSI Lighting - Front - Turn signal - inoperative. 1 0 6
393.9A-LHWS Lighting - Hazard warning signal(s) inoperative. 1 0 6
393.9T Inoperable tail lamp 1 0 6
396.3(a)1BOS Brake - Defective brake(s) are equal to or greater than 20% of the service brakes on the vehicle/combination. 1 1 0
396.3A1-AASGMD-L6 Any of the slider-guide/hold-down brackets are missing or disengaged. 1 0 3
396.5A-HNLOW Hubs - No visible or measurable lubricant showing in the hub - outer wheel 1 1 2
396.5B-HWSLIW Hubs - Wheel seal leaking - inner wheel 1 1 2