395.24D-ELDPT HOS (ELD) - On request by an authorized safety official, a driver must produce and transfer from an ELD the driver''s hours-of-service records in accordance with the instruction sheet provided by the motor carrier.
395.8E1PC-OOS HOS - False record of duty status that concealed an HOS limitation violation after the last rest period. Driver improperly used Personal Conveyance
395.22H2-ELDNISDT HOS (ELD) Driver failing to have instruction sheet describing the data transfer mechanisms supported by the ELD and step-by-step instructions for the driver to produce and transfer the driver''s hours-of-service records to an authorized safety official
395.22G-ELDMFV HOS (ELD) - A portable ELD is not mounted in a fixed position and visible to the driver when seated in the normal driving position.
395.22H1-ELDNUM HOS (ELD) - In-Vehicle Information - No user's manual for the driver describing how to operate the ELD. (May be electronic)
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW)
395.3A3I-HOSPDIT HOS (Property) - Driving more than 11 hours following 10 consecutive hours off duty at the time of inspection. Time:
+ 2 (OOS)
395.3A2-HOSPDIT HOS (Property) - Driver driving beyond the 14 hour after coming on duty following 10 consecutive hours off duty at the time of inspection. Time:
+ 2 (OOS)
Sum of Violation Weight => Inspection Severity Weight (SW)