Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
393.104(f)(1) Knotted tiedown 2 0 3
396.17(c) Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection 2 0 4
392.9(a)(2) Failing to secure vehicle equipment 1 1 1
393.100(c) Failure to prevent cargo shifting 1 1 1
393.104(b) Damaged securement system/tiedowns 1 0 1
393.128 No/improper securement of vehicles 1 1 1
393.75B-OOS Tire-front tread depth less than 2/32 of inch on a major tread groove 1 1 8
393.9 Inoperable Required Lamp 1 0 2
396.17C-PI Operating a CMV without documentation of a periodic inspection. 1 0 4
396.3(a)(1) Hubs - Hub cap missing or broken 1 1 2
396.9(d)(2) Failure to correct defects noted on previous inspection report 1 0 4