Violations Description # Violations # OOS Violations Violation Severity Weight
391.41(a) Operating a property-carrying vehicle without a valid medical certificate in possession or on file with the state drivers licensing agency. History of either failing to produce a medical certificate or having an expired medical certificate. 4 0 1
391.11B2-Q Driver cannot read and speak the English language sufficiently to converse with the general public, to understand highway traffic signs and signals in the English language, to respond to official inquiries, and to make entries on reports and record. 3 0 4
391.41A-MCPC Medical (Certificate) - Operating a property-carrying vehicle without possessing a valid medical certificate. 2 0 1
383.23A2-LCDLN License (CDL) - Operate a CMV and does not possess a valid CDL. 1 1 8
391.15A-NSOUT Driving a CMV while disqualified. Suspended for a non-safety-related reason and outside the state of driver's license issuance. 1 0 1
391.45(b) Expired medical examiner's certificate 1 0 1
391.45B-MCEM Driver who has not been medically examined and certified as qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle during the preceding 24 months 1 0 1