Crash Profiles

Online Overview


Crash Profiles Online Overview

·        What are Crash Profiles?

·        What is Crash Profiles Online (CPOL)?

·        What Data Sources are used to Compile Crash Profiles?

·        FARS Data Source Description

·        MCMIS Crash Data Source Description

·        State Profiles Overview

·        National Profiles Overview

·        Disclaimer



What are Crash Profiles?

·         Crash Profiles are summarized crash statistics for truck and bus crashes. The Analysis Division of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration compiles crash statistics into two types of profiles: State and National Profiles.

·         The profiles contain information that can be used to identify safety problems in specific geographical areas or to compare state statistics to the national crash figures.



What is Crash Profiles Online?

·         An Internet application that delivers the following online:

o       About Crash Profiles: A general description of Crash Profiles and the terms associated with Crash Profiles.

o       State Profiles: Crash statistics that are summarized by Nation and State.

o       National Profiles: Contains national summary statistics on large truck crashes that occurred in the U.S.



What Data Sources are used to Compile Crash Profiles?

Two data sources are used:

·         The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) database; maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

·         The Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS); maintained by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.



FARS Data Source Description

·         FARS is a census of crashes involving all types of vehicles, but only fatal crashes.  Crash Profiles use FARS data for large trucks only.  A large truck is one with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of more than 10,000 pounds.



MCMIS Crash File Data Source Description

·         The MCMIS Crash file is intended to be a census of all trucks and buses involved in fatal, injury, and tow-away crashes, but some states are not yet reporting all eligible crashes.  MCMIS crash file data for non-fatal truck crashes is used in the Non-Fatal columns of the Crash Profiles.  The Crash Profiles use the National Governors’ Association (NGA) recommended data elements reported to FMCSA by states through the SAFETYNET computer reporting system.



State Profiles Overview

·         State Profiles are summarized crash results for large trucks and buses involved in fatal and non-fatal crashes that occurred in the U.S.  These reports are organized into two areas:

o       State Crash Reports


o       State Comparison Reports






National Profiles Overview

·         Crash statistics that are summarized on a national level.  These reports highlight carriers with the most reported crashes in a calendar year and depict truck, driver and environment characteristics for large truck crashes.  Reports include:

o       Carriers with the Most Reported Crashes in the Nation

o       National Truck Crash Profiles

o       National Truck Crash Profiles Executive Summaries




·         Neither FARS nor MCMIS crash file databases contain information on crash causation, contributing factors, or fault.  The data can only be suggestive about why truck and bus crashes occur.