Large Truck
Crash Overview
Analysis Division
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
Publication No. FMCSA-RRA-09-002
December 2008
The mission of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
is to promote the safe operation of commercial vehicles on our Nations
highways. Of the 41,059 people killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2007,
12% (4,808) died in crashes that involved a large truck. Another 101,000
people were injured in crashes involving large trucks. Only about 17% of
those killed and 22% of those injured in large truck crashes were occupants
of large trucks.
Fatal Crashes.
From 1998 to 2007, the number of large trucks involved in
fatal crashes dropped from 4,955 to 4,584down by 7.5%. The number of large
trucks in fatal crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled by large
trucks declined in these years from 2.52 to 2.02down 20%. The corresponding
rate for passenger vehicles fell from 2.00 to 1.60also down 20% (Figure
Figure 1. Vehicles Involved in Fatal Crashes per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled

Injury Crashes.
From 1998 to 2007, the number of large trucks involved
in injury crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled declined by 26%,
while the rate for passenger vehicles dropped by 31% (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Vehicles Involved in Injury Crashes per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled

In 2007, large trucks accounted for 7% of all vehicle miles traveled and
4% of all registered vehicles in the United States. In motor vehicle crashes,
large trucks represented:
8% of vehicles in fatal crashes
2% of vehicles in injury crashes
4% of vehicles in property-damage-only crashes.
Large truck tractors pulling semi-trailers accounted for 62% of the large
trucks involved in fatal crashes and 46% of the large trucks involved in
nonfatal crashes.
Doubles (truck tractors pulling a semi-trailer and a full trailer) were
only 3% of large trucks involved in fatal and nonfatal crashes. Triples (truck
tractors pulling three trailers) accounted for 0.1% of all large trucks
involved in fatal crashes.
Only 4% of large trucks involved in fatal crashes and 2% of large trucks
involved in nonfatal crashes were carrying hazardous materials (HM). HM
was released from the cargo compartment in 36% of fatal crashes and 12%
of nonfatal crashes.
Only 1% of the drivers of large trucks involved in fatal crashes in 2007
were legally intoxicated (blood alcohol content of 0.08 grams per deciliter
or higher), as compared with 23% of passenger vehicle drivers in fatal crashes.
Only 2% of the drivers of large trucks involved in fatal crashes had any alcohol
in their bloodstream.
Seventy-nine percent of the drivers of large trucks involved in fatal crashes
were reported by police as wearing their safety belts, compared with 62%
of passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes.
In fatal crashes involving large trucks, driver-related factors were cited
for 38% of the large truck drivers. In comparison, driver-related factors
were noted for 67% of passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes.
Some of the most common factors cited for drivers of large trucks and drivers
of passenger vehicles were the same: driving too fast, failure to keep
in proper lane, inattention, and failure to yield the right of way.
Speeding (exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for conditions)
was a factor in 25% of the fatal crashes involving a large truck, compared
with 33% of all fatal crashes.
No adverse weather conditions were reported for 87% of the fatal crashes
and for 89% of the nonfatal crashes involving large trucks. Rain was the
most common adverse weather condition.
In 75% of the fatal crashes and 70% of the nonfatal crashes involving large
trucks, the first harmful event was a collision with another vehicle in
In two-vehicle fatal rear-end crashes, passenger vehicles struck large
trucks in the rear approximately three times more often than large trucks
struck passenger vehicles in the rear16% versus 5% (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Large Trucks Involved in Fatal Crashes with Passenger Vehicles by Crash Type

In two-vehicle head-on fatal crashes involving a large truck and a passenger
vehicle, the passenger vehicle crossed the median and collided head-on
with the large truck approximately 16 times more often than the large truck
crossed the median and collided head-on with the passenger vehicle16% versus
1% (Figure 3).
Rollover was the first harmful event for only 5% of the fatal crashes and
only 3% of the nonfatal crashes involving large trucks.
Twenty-four percent of fatal crashes that took place in work zonesareas
of construction, maintenance, or utility activityinvolved a large truck.
Large Trucks: Trucks over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
Passenger Vehicles: Passenger cars and light truckssuch as vans, sport
utility vehicles, and pickup truckswith 10,000 pounds GVWR or less.
Data Sources
Fatal Crash Data: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatality
Analysis Reporting System (FARS).
Nonfatal Crash Data: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, General
Estimates System (GES); and FMCSA, Motor Carrier Management Information
System (MCMIS) crash file.
Vehicle Miles Traveled and Registered Vehicles: Federal Highway Administration.
For more information, contact the Analysis Division at (202) 366-0324,
or visit our web sites at www.fmcsa.dot.gov and ai.fmcsa.dot.gov.